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Pubstack is a no-code Ad Management platform that makes monetization easy, transparent & performant for web Publishers. Words from our co-founders “Over the last few years, the Adtech industry has become a complex business, where publishers gradually lost control over their revenue to the benefit of industry giants. At Pubstack we want to reverse the trend. We want to help publishers thrive in an increasingly complex programmatic world and take back control.” Guillaume Polaert & Loïc Sfiligoi What we're building At Pubstack, we collect, process and visualise billions of events per day. To deliver a product that customers love, we tackle and solve complex technical problems at scale, using the cloud and today’s best open source technologies. Adtech space is chaos, our mission is to bring transparency to all actors. We’re primary focused on publishers needs. Pubstack is a Saas platform with modern analytics and automation capabilities made to help Publishers get all the value they deserve for their content and build better products for users.

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